New Story Church
New Story Church meets Sunday mornings at 110 Valley Park Road, Phoenixville, PA. For more information, please visit our website: https://newstorychurch.life
New Story Church
How You Behave Says Something About You. Luke 6
Paul D. Anderson
You've probably heard the quote: "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." We cannot be certain Gandhi said that, but you've almost certainly felt that before. According to Luke chapter 5, Jesus came for the broken, for those who are unhealthy, and for the sinners. And that's good news. But turn the page to chapter 6 and we immediately feel the tension. Jesus calls these sinners-made-disciples to live out a radically different, whole, healing, forgiving, pure way of life. A way of life that frankly feels impossible if you've ever tried to live it. This week, we'll explore what sinners (like us) are supposed to do with this.