New Story Church
New Story Church meets Sunday mornings at 110 Valley Park Road, Phoenixville, PA. For more information, please visit our website: https://newstorychurch.life
New Story Church
Breaking the Jar. Luke 7:36-50
Paul D. Anderson
According to the Scriptures, the most important thing you can do with your life is love God. Period. That's it. If you only get in on one thing in this life, get in on that. But what if we don't love God that much? Love is not the kind of thing that you can just manufacture on your own. So, what do we do? In chapter 7 of his gospel, Luke unfolds this intimate, shocking, slightly scandalous story about a woman bursting into a refined dinner party. It's a story that helps us see what's going on in our own hearts so that we can get in on what's most important.