New Story Church
New Story Church meets Sunday mornings at 110 Valley Park Road, Phoenixville, PA. For more information, please visit our website: https://newstorychurch.life
New Story Church
Listen: An Unexpected Answer to Life’s Biggest Questions. Ecclesiastes 5:1-7
Paul D. Anderson
We search for meaning in all the usual places—success, wisdom, pleasure, hard work—but the Teacher in Ecclesiastes finds that none of it fully satisfies. Then, in Ecclesiastes 5, he offers a different kind of answer: Stop talking. Start listening.
Could it be that the key to a meaningful life isn’t found in more striving, but in learning to listen—really listen—to God? Instead of trying to control life or fill the silence with words, the Teacher invites us to slow down, be still, and receive. Join us as we explore how listening to God in worship can change not just how we approach faith, but how we experience life itself.